Trailhead: 44.945297, -122.048293
Parking Fee: No
Location: Oregon
Land type: USFS Wilderness
Length: 6.5 mi.
Elevation Gain: 800 ft.
Highest Point: 2950 ft.
Loop/OnB: Out & Back
Year Round: No
Best Month: May
Popular: No
Waterfall: No
Lake: No
Stream: Yes
View: No
Old Growth: Yes
Backpacking: Yes
Fishing: Yes
Bicycles: No
Dogs: Yes
Horses: Yes
Hike Description
You begin your walk down a decommissioned forest road. Large mounds of soil piled this way and that to prevent adventurous off-roaders venturing any further. After about 1/2 mile you'll come to a clearing with gravel which was the old trail head. In another tenth of a mile a sign that you are entering the Bull of the Woods Wilderness greats you. Interestingly there is not\ box for filling out a wilderness permit like most other trails venturing into a wilderness area.
USFS 2016 Map - Earthflow location
At the bottom of this small hill you will come to a creek. Either cross over the slippery, and dangerous, log bridge or walk slightly upstream for an easier crossing. Safely on the other side of the stream the ground begins to change. Tilting downward, cracks begin to appear, trees sit askew. This is all evidence of the earthflow you are walking upon. This active geology feature is part of the reason the upper road was decommissioned. Take care as you descend ~350 ft. in less than 1/2 a mile in this section. There are areas of loose pebbles, large stairs and even a rope.
From the bottom of the earthflow to the ford at Dickey creek in 2 miles the trail is a nice meander thru old growth, gaining elevation slowly. This section is why you came out here to hike. The forest floor is covered in a vibrant green carpet of moss so immaculate you could easily mistake yourself for being at Kokedera (苔寺), the moss temple in Kyoto, Japan. Rising out of the floor are impressive Douglas Fir specimen 5+ feet in diameter along with some Western Hemlock and Western Red Cedar. You may have a hard time keeping the pace up as every few steps the view through the forest changes and you'll by tempted to stop and take it in.
Continuing on, if you are here early in the season (April/May) keep your eyes out for Pacific Trillium and Fairy Slippers which intermittently dot the landscape. Also be sure to keep and eye out for where you are stepping as when it is wet the place is cover in rough skinned newts.
Named after J.K. Dickey from Pennsylvania.
~1/2 mile of road decommissioned due to active earthflow and the expansion of the wilderness boundry.
"Bull of the Woods" is a reference to the top-man in logging outfit.
Towards the beginning of the hike there is a great example of an earthflow. This slow moving event is similar to a mudflow, but not as quick. The soil being less saturated with water it doesn't move down hill nearly as fast.